After twenty five years of study I am convinced that effective Awo is not possible without a working relationship between the elder mothers and elder fathers of our Ifa/Orisa communities. My personal involvement in teaching women´s mysteries has created understandable controversy. My ita made it necessary for me to make some effort to reclaim some of the sacred technology related to women´s mysteries that was lost during the middle crossing. I have passed the information I was given in Ode Remo to Apetebi Fasegun Fatunmbi and the responsibility for teaching these mysteries, and officiating at initiations related to women´s society functions is now hers. She has the additional responsiblity of joining hands with members of Egbe Obinrin for further study of awo that remains available only to initiated women. ApetebiFasegun Fatunmbi can be contacted at
Unfortunately much of the information related to women´s mysteries in general and African Spiritual traditions specially have been unfairly denigrated and demonized to the point of absurdity. Women´s power is a birthright, the development of that birthright is simply the effective expression of latent potential. Olodumare gave us all the tools we need to live a good life and to exprience the blessings of children, abundance and long life. How we use these tools is an expression of who we are, an expression of what Ifacalls Iwa-pele. This section of awostudycenter is dedicated to an exploration of both women´s mysteries and the integration of those mysteries into the fundamental structure of our Ifa/Orisa communities. Much of this information has been considered awo out of a legitimate need to protect women from unfair abuse. This creates a problem. If we do not talk about it, we cannot reclaim it. Dialogue is the foundation of communal elevation.
Awo Falokun Fatunmbi
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