Saturday, November 14, 2009

The Curse of the Woman - Could we help them take the curse from their Head? Birth of Eshu (Also known as Jesus according to the Yoruba's Mythology))

At the beginning, the Serpent was an individual walking like us. a lot of people tend to think of the pictures related to the subject that the Serpent has the form known today but it's simply a lie.

It always bothered me what I called the curse of the Woman. I mean how in the World that someone eats a fruit from the Tree of Knowledge and sins. I really don't understand that fact. it's the biggest nonsense ever produced by Man. However, if someone comes with the fact that something else happen after they all ate that specific fruit, it would make sense.

For that reason, let's go if you don't mind go to the Egyptian mythology.
Most of the books stipulate that Seth (which is the same Seth from the Genesis) has his penis cut because of a fight with Osiris.

Some other scholars stated that the fight began when Seth slept with Isis. There was a fight between Osiris and Seth because of this adultery's act. Seth, stronger than Osiris, finally killed him. Horus (Osiris and Isis legitimate's son) cut by revenge Seth's penis.

Finally other scholars, Stipulated that Seth slept both with Isis and Horus. He killed Osiris for putting his mouth in this weird affair and Isis took the revenge by cutting his penis.

From all of these three stories, which one is the Real one.
We still don't know to this day.

Anyway, let’s come back to the Genesis, it would make sense if the Serpent slept with Both Adam and Eve, and God angry put a curse on all of them.

Well, the Church has nowadays this nonsense stipulating that the Sins came to being because eve gave to Adam the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge.

In West Africa, we have a different story regarding that nonsense, we thank the Woman for giving us the fruit from that Tree of Knowledge. It’s because of the Woman that we have a better of understanding of life

In the United States, most of Women are in control, like the Churches, the Banks, the Hospital, the Shelters, the Household except in the Bowery Mission where they are only in control of the finance department.

Even in Christian Herald, they are in charge.

Is it the reasons why we cannot have everything in order at the Bowery Mission?

Is it the reasons why something missing in the teaching at the Bowery Mission?

I would like to include a file which explains the real Genesis according to the Yoruba (Kiki Adebola’s tribe, director of the Bowery Mission Discipleship Institute, in Nigeria, birth place of Humankind)

Important remarks:
You will remark that the fifth son of Oludumare (God) is Eshu or Eleggua.

Eshu is known as the "Devil" in Yoruba’s Mythology.

Eshu (Pronounced Yeshu)

In Hebrew, he is known as Yeshua.

The Germans, when they translated the Gospels, wrote to keep the syllable Ye in German Je (German syllable), which later became by the English, the well known name of Jesus.

The same for Jacob, which in Hebrew is literally written Yaakov.

From that fact, it’s clear that Jesus is black man.


All mythologies are founded in the belied of a Supreme Being or several deities and the Yoruba is one of them. The Yoruba Mythology is based on a Supreme Being and a Pantheon of different deities. Each one of these deities govern a force a nature or a special element. Following you will see the different aspects in which these deities were the first inhabitants on Earth.
The Orishas are beings who were given certain supernatural powers by the Supreme Being. Oludumare gave them the power to be in different places at the same time. From this comes the belief or myth of the Yoruba that we as humans are not worthy of directly asking Oludumare for favors, as he created the Orishas as intermediaries.
Oludumare was looking for a place to rest and where he could create his Kingdom, when he caught sight of a heavenly gaseous mass. As he came closer to it he noted it had the desirable conditions he was looking for in order to create his ALAFI (House of God). This place would have the perfect climate and beautiful vegetation thus ensuring favorable conditions for his children (Orishas) during the winter months.
This story takes place specifically on the African continent in what today is known as the Federal Republic of Nigeria in the cities of Oyo, Ife and Ibadan, places that even today have great natural riches and where nothing is lacking for the development and conservation of the human race.
In the City of Ife, (place where according to the Yoruba the World was created) Oludumare decided to begin populating the planet. He created the first man represented in his material form by his name Oddua, which means beginning of the Human race.
Who is Oludumare
Oludumare is the Yoruba’s supreme being, creator of everything in heaven and earth, creator of time, day and night. He is the Creator that has existed since the Beginning of time.
Oludumare is an impartial god who controls the destiny of Mankind. It is commonly accepted for the Orishas to punish Mankind when natural laws are broken; however, Oludumare judges man according to man’s innermost feelings, his personality and character, as he knows and sees everything a person really is, including his innermost thoughts, feelings and desires.
Oludumare is the only one who can judge the morality of a person and accordingly does one receive his just rewards at the end of their life. At the same time, Oludumare is the judge of the Orishas and supreme regent in the Kingdom of Heaven and Earth. Nothing can be done against his will as this is the omnipotent force of the Universe; it moves because of him controlling the elements of everyday life on Earth. The difference between the Orishas and Oludumare is that Oludumare is the Supreme being and therefore represents a more abstract concept of nature and human qualities.
The first historians of the Yoruba mythology were unable to understand the subtle differences that exists between Oludumare and the Orishas, neither were they able to understand the significance Oludumare has in the religious life of the Yoruba nation, nor could they discern the essence and tributes of this Yoruba deity as they are so subtle, complex and spiritual just as the characteristics of the deity. The concept of Oludumare for the Yoruba is similar to those of the Ancient Egyptians. There is data about the Yoruba so similar to the Egyptians that they could be rooted in Northern Egypt or Sudan under the first Egyptian dynasty and when they abandoned Sudan they brought with them the cosmology of the Egyptians.
It is believed the presence of a deity as sublime in the Yoruba Pantheon could be derived from the possibility that a Supreme being revealed itself to other people besides the Jews.
Oludumare is also known as Olorun, and he lets himself be seen during the daylight hours in the highness. The Afro-Americans have brought him closer to Mankind with the name of Olofi. While remaining the same deity as the Yoruba’s (Olofi-Supreme Sovereign of the Heavens), this deity had no temples nor directly consecrated priests , but all the priests consecrated to the other Orishas give offerings. The most qualified priests to interpret the Oddun of the Oracle where he speaks are the ones consecrated to the god Orumila.
In America as in Africa, Olodumare has the same power but the Afro-Americans make him more human and bring him closer to the things of men. In the Americas this deity is called either Olodumare, Olorun or Olofi, because he is identified with the Sun or a great place in Heaven.
The black Afro-American population perceived the Catholic religion from their own point of view. For them this religion is based on the presence of a remote supreme being of high spirituality but always willing to help man in exchange for offerings and prayers. It was not very difficult for Afro-Americans to start adoring the Supreme Being.
It should be noted that the Afro-American people have a great imagination, are very progressive and have always come up with something new. This is one of the reasons why in the Americas Olodumare had been humanized to the extreme that in some houses of the Orishas he is worshipped like any other Orisha from the Yoruba Pantheon.

Olodumare decided his kingdom needed inhabitants capable of multiplying, it was then that he determined he would form the earth in that mass he had chosen and he would call it Oddua (beginning and end, in Lucumi it means Longitude). Oddua would have inside his body the Spirit of Olodumare and would physically act as Oludumare. He would be in charge of governing the planet being the highest authority and all futures generations would have to give him tribute.
Oddua has to do with everything that happens on earth beginning at birth and ending at death (when I say all, its all that concerns the planet). He is the Father of all the Orishas as they were borne of him. He is the first inhabitants of Earth, it would be throught him the Earth would mold to what is today its round shape. Oddua is the Earth and at the beginning it was composed of nothing more than gasses and fog. From these gasses and fog what we know today as the Earth was formed. From the highest mountains on Earth, the Spirit of Oddua was born and took the material shape of Man (as Man was born or formed of the Earth).
Once Man was created his name was Oddua, he analyzes the situation and felt it was a lonely and dry place. As he started to walk he saw this place needed much in order to be hospitable and would not be able to complete his tasks alone. So walking and thinking he comes to a place of such great depth he could not see the bottom. That is when he decided to fill this deep hole with some of the gasses left from the formation of the planet. As he filled the hole the gas turned into a transparent liquid which is known as water. Once the vast hole was filled with this liquid there was the creation of another Orisha with the same faculties as Oddua, at the same time with opposite representations and facets, they would be only one identity.
Once water was created so was Yembo, Oddua’s wife. Yembo in Lucumi means MOTHER OF THE WATER, THE PLANET AND THE HUMAN RACE. She could have one of the most important roles in the evolution of the Kingdom together with Oddua. As she was created so were formed the great oceans, rivers, waterfalls, lakes as well as the rain. Her birth also brings love and marriage and the creation of the human race.


When Yembo is created the Earth acquired a magnificent splendor as she brought with her a sense of what beauty is, she is a brunette of inexplicable beauty which hypnotized the Earth with her femininity and when she united with the Earth it was the beginning of Oddua and Yembo’s marriage (Marriage of the Earth and the Sea) and the love of these two Orishas, destined to be the parents of the Yoruba Pantheon.
Yembo has under her domain everything related to water, she is the Mother of the World. When the Sun rises and we see that beautiful sky in the horizon that is when she breathes and rules us all. She was the most beautiful woman in the Kingdom of Olodumare, her sensuality was such that one could resist her; they all wanted her, she represents life in all of its splendor. During the night she becomes Nana Burucu (moon) which is one of her facets or identity. During this facet, she becomes mysterious and mystic, her body is elevated to the heavens and lights the planet with her majestic light. She is the one who lights the dark of night the Earth less somber. We owe her for the cool nights, she is the one that gives respite from the hot rays of the sun balancing the course of nature, alleviating with her dew everything on the planet, not permitting the day or night from being too long, she rules the marine currents and gives life to Earth as she is the blood running through Earth’s veins since from her run the rivers, brooks and lakes.
She is also known as Olokun. In this facet, she is more human and compassionate and is the one that rules the seven seas to this day but is all one entity.
Once these two Orishas were born and ruling their corresponding elements they decided to unite and form a marriage in order to populate the planet, thereby starting the process and evolution of the Orishas.

The love they professed for each other is the greatest love story ever to be written in the History of the planet. The Union of these two Orishas is so beautiful and lasting that it is still alive today. Under this union they had all sorts of problems, there were many who tried to split them apart but they were unsuccessful, no one was able to separate them as they were destined to be together till the end of time. From their love all other Orishas were born (the vital elements for surviving). The day their love stops and the earth and the water are separated will be the day of Armaggedon in this Kingdom of Olodumare called Earth.
First Child – Argayu (Sun)
Oddua and Yembo once united on this planet, which was still in darkness during the day, needed someone to illuminate it and give it the light necessary during the day since Nana Buruku (moon) shed some light at night time. It was then that their first son was born. When he came into this world he did so with two very important identities. At once he went into the core of the Earth while at the same time elevating himself to the Ile Olodumare (heaven) where he shines in all his splendor and gives the Earth the necessary light during the day. When he is in the heavens he is known as Olorun (Sun), when inside the Earth, he is known as Argayu (volcano). We owe him for not freezing to death, he is in charge of keeping the Earth warm with his solar rays. He has a very strong and masculine character and is one of the most important and oldest Orishas in the Yoruba Pantheon.
With his birth would come very importants events to the planet since he brought with him the calendar separating night from day, divided the continents during one of his furious attacks (that is when eruptions occur) and there is in the volcano is where the Orisha Ogun would be born.

Second Child – Ogun (Metals)
After Argayu was brightly shining on the Kingdom, Oddua and Yembo decided to a have a second child. Ogun. He would give them the most trouble ever known on the Kingdom. When he was coming into this world the volcano was erupting, Yembo decided that would be where she should have her Omo (child). Amiss the volcano eruption, he was born and baptized with the name Ogun, that is when all the metas were formed.
That is the reason he was born in the volcano. Oddua and Yembo resolved to also make him responsible for the distribution of food in the Kingdom.
He had a strong and blood thirsty character, he was to obtain a position in the hierarchy of the daily life in the Kingdom of the Orishas. He was tall, dark and handsome with features that attracted the attention of the Kingdom’s inhabitants; his fury and blood thirsty instincts were reasons enough for everyone to respect him.
With his birth also came a series of qualities, some good and some bad. With him vice entered the world, it was the first time the Kingdom knew of it is a general sense; also wars became known with him, as he lived in it throughout time.
With the birth of Ogun, the planet was moving toward development and was progressing rapidly becoming very beneficial for all. Oddua and Yembo continued to procreate; as they were expecting their third child.

Third Child – Oshosi (Hunter and Judge)
Oshosi, that is how the parents of the Yoruba Pantheon would name their third son. He would come to implement rules to be followed by everyone in the Kingdom. He would be the provider of all the protagonists in the Kingdom, he would also be the one who would explain and apply the laws by which they would have to conduct themselves upon their entrance into the world. Oddua and Yembo gave the beautiful Oshosi the task of hunting in order to feed the people.
With him some good and bad was also brought into the world as he was a sorcerer the birth of Oshosi brought the Yoruban refrain IN ORDER FOR THE WORLD TO BE A WORLD THERE MUST BE A LITTLE OF EVERYTHING. Olodumare would permit Oshosi to use his powers of witchcraft only for the good of mankind.
He was very good looking and enchanted many in the kingdom; he had a look in his eyes that attracted everyone he came in contact with. He was respected by all as he was the judge of the Kingdom of Olodumare.

Fourth Child – OSUN (Good Standing, Communicator)
Shortly after Oshosi was born, Yembo was already expecting her fourth child. Odua needed someone responsible who would be able to help him with his tasks in the Kingdom and it was Osun in whom Odua placed his confidence. He gave Osun responsibilities none of his elders brothers had. Osun, at birth, would be the head that would always reason. His mission would be to let Odua know what happened in the household during his absence. Osun had great virtues; he was wise, very responsible but he also had a bad quality and that was to be a glutton; he would let food rule his life and would forget his obligations (Ogun would take advantage of this defect). He paid very dearly for his fault as he lost his position as his parents favorite because of it.
His mission was to keep everyone in good standing. Odua trusted him so much he would have Osun take his place in the household when he went away, since Osun was very responsible and just. All the world’s trust Odua had placed in Osun.
With the birth of Osun, Odua had help at home since Osun was always willing to help and Odua had plenty to do in the Kingdom with its evolution. This gave Odua and Yembo more time to spend together. Shortly after Osun’s birth, Yembo became pregnant again with her fifth child, who would come to change the lives of all in the Kingdom. Yembo gave birth to another beautiful boy and named him Elegua.

Fifth Child – Elegua (Ruler of all paths and Opportunities in Life)
Eshu or Eleggua is an Orisha known and revered in Cuba as well as Nigeria. It is said that Eshu’s cult leans toward the fear he inspires and that he possesses great malevolence. It can’t be denied he inspires and that he possesses great malevolence. It can’t be denied he inspires a great admiration from his followers and the great powers and responsabilities he commands in the Yoruba religion. He is to be respected and adored because of his different personalities. He can be noble and good if he is well tended to, if not, he can be very destructive. Eleggua (he saves or destroys) is one of the most effective gods Olodumare made. He likes to create compromising situations creating animosity among men knowing they will come to him for help offering something in exchange. Eshu is cruel, generous , unexpected, quick, powerful, treacherous and whimsical as luck, just a s man’s destiny. Many think Eshu is man’s luck. All the other Orishas are afraid of him since they know that if he wishes, none of the offerings made to them would reach them as he is the messenger of the gods.
Sacrifices and worship are offered to him first (he acquired this priority when Ogun faulted)
In order to be everywhere at once he manifests himself as follows: his the highest and the lowest, prince, garbage collector, adolescent, old, etc. He adopts any identity in order to make his presence, power and will felt. In Cuba as well as in Africa he is the Messenger of the gods and is closely involved with all the other deities. He is close to Shango, Oshun and Ogun; he is Orumila’s guardian. He, together with Shango, Obatala and Oddua form the four cardinal points of Orumula’s Board. He together with Oya dominates the four winds. He is the ruler of all opportunities in a human’s life, possesses great psychic powers over Orumila’s Board, which he tends to with great care. He is a great psychic and so are his children. He is a great doctor and very knowledgeable in spells and talismans. His spells cannot be broken. This divinity has 21 personnalities or facets.
Eleggua lives in the house entrance and everyone wants to have him as protector. Much has been written about him and his bad influence but this concept is erroneously imagined by those who do not want to understand that the Yoruban religion is here to stay with Eleggua’s h
With Elegua’s birth came, all paths and opportunities this world had to offer to future human beings who would populate the world in time. Truth and honesty were also his virtues. He was a beautiful child and somewhat playful. He always liked to do good and helped those in need. He also had a great love for his parents.
Odua and Yembo saw in him a great prince with very special talents. Of all the virtues he possessed there was one that shined above the rest and that was he would always tell truth and be Just with everyone.
When he was born it was plain to see that he had some airs of grandeur that gave him the title of a great prince (as would become one). No matter how hard the truth he would always say it regardless of the consequences. He would become the most respected Orisha in the Kingdom of Olodumare and all the other Orishas would have to come to him to ask something of their parents.
Ogun, since Elegua’s birth, had become jealous and mistreated Elegua. Ogun would come to pay dearly for his deeds as Elegua was destined to occupy a very special place in the Kingdom which all the other Orishas would have liked to occupy and would come to need his help.
Odua saw in Elegua virtues none of his other sons had. This gave way to jealousy and mistreatment against Elegua by his brothers. Elegua was always in trouble with his older brother by always defending their parents. They were all mortified by Odua and Yembo’s preference with Elegua.
Once Elegua was older and becoming a handsome young man did Yembo become pregnant again thus awaiting together with Odua their sixth child.

Sixth Child – Osain
Osain was born and his birth would spring to Earth inmeasurable benefits as he would be the Orisha to populate the Earth with animal life and plants. He would be the doctor in the Kingdom of Olodumare since medicines would be prepared from plants. He would give the Kingdom a beauty never seen before. With his birth, the Earth would acquire a sublime beauty where life would become very pleasant for all of its inhabitants. Besides plants he brought with him all animals such as:



Among the plants, the most distinguishable was the Ceiba-Araba, which along with the above named animals would later come to play an important role in the life of the planet as you will see in later chapters. Osain populated the Earth with this much needed landscape since up to this time it was composed of land and sea. Upon his arrival, everything changed as his plants with their different shades of green and the multicolors of the forests gave the Earth an impressive and marvelous beauty. He also brought the feathered animals with their beautiful plumage and songs giving a peaceful touch to the inhabitants of the Kingdom.
His birth also brought the beginning of everything sacred in the world. Future generations would have to ask his permission in order to use them. He is the Orisha that brought the greatest progress. Osain and Yembo were the two greatest contributors to the Kingdom. Yembo was the water and Osain non-human life. The first gave the planet what it needed to live and when Osain is born in his second facet (as he became with 2) is when the brings the marsh, lagoons, and stale waters. It is at this time he acquires another aspect, and becomes known in the Kingdom as Shopwana.

Shopwana or Babaluaye
With Osain’s birth, he lets everyone see he had two distinct facet or personalities in one body. The first one would refer to everything that was beautiful; the second everything that was bad such as epidemics and illnesses. In this entity, he is known as Shopwana or Babaluaye.
Babaluaye is born in the marsh and putrified waters. At first, he was a very handsome, masculine man but as time went one his body began to decay. His body became full of putrified blisters and brought to Earth the other side of the coin and that was when epidemics became known. None of his brothers liked him. They found him revolting and repulsive but he never cursed them or complained about his misery. He always respected his parents who were testing him and would later compensate him by giving him the opportunity to be the Orisha of the epidemics and health. He would play an important role in the Kingdom.
With his birth, the Kingdom was also complete and Odua and Yembo decided to go on with their mission of populating the Kingdom. They continued populating the Kingdom and the Yembo had Dada at a time when the planet was fairly populated by human and animal life. They were all in the Kingdom but they really did not know the reason why they were there. In the instant Dada was born they were enlightened as to the reason for being on Earth.
When Odua and Yembo had their first daughter, it became an event, as all in the Kingdom rejoiced at the sight of such beautiful and wise child. Even at an early age, she was able to display her wisdom. When she came into the world, she brought with her everything that was ignored up to that time such as fundamentals of the human and animal bodies, the brain that commands the body all its senses to react. She is the Orisha of Reason. She gave human beings something they were lacking and needed, as a person who cannot reason may as well be a dead body. That is why Dada occupies such a high position in the Kingdom. She is responsible for human being able to think, smell, see, walk, hear and above all else reason. It was something not known in the Kingdom and it was fascinating being able to discover these things existed as up to that time no one had noticed. Dada gave them the knowledge of all this.
Dada is the Orisha that lives in the Head of all Humans and she is also known as Eleda (brain). She has lived with us from the day of her birth through the present time and will live with us till the end of the time.
Odua and Yembo were hypnotized by their daughter Yembo was so fascinated by this little creature that while looking at her one day, she felt movement in her womb and that is how she came to know she was expecting again and told her husband.
Odua was awaiting the arrival of the next child but meanwhile he would contemplate Dada. After a nwould be called Jeggua.

Eight Child – Jeggua (Virginity)
With her birth nature was beginning to mold certain laws by which humanity would have to live in order survive. At her birth virginity was born in the full sense of the word (for women as well as men). She brought to the World everything that was pure and virgin, she was also marked with the mystery of life and death) (it was through her that the world first knew of death). She was one of the most beautiful Orishas Odua and Yembo had. In time, she would be the guardian of the Ile Ocu (House of the Dead).
Jeggua would be wanted and tempted by all in the Kingdom; this would give all the males in the Kingdom a desire to show her, they were the most capable in the art of Love; they would try to gain her affection in order to prove to themselves their power and self worth. She was very pure and Mystic, it only took only one look to comprehend that she was not all of this world since she radiated with something very prohibiting to all in this world.
She was the most beautiful and fragile power born in the Kingdom of Odua and Yembo and had to be treated as such. During the day, she was like a white dove, pure and fragile; at night, she would take on a somber shadow that would scare anyone in the Kingdom. It was impossible to understand how two opposites could live within a person.
Time went on and no one could stop talking about Jegugua’s mysterious personality. Yembo, fulfilling her mission as mother of the Planet, was awaiting the birth of another child and it would be another girl.

Ninth Child – Oba Nani (Wisdom and Teacher of the World)
Yembo gave birth to one of the most fascinating creatures ever known in the Kingdom. She was baptized with the name of Oba Nani and would be known as the teacher and wisdom on Earth. This was another of the most important moments of the human race as Oba brings to the Kingdom many qualities that were unknown up to that instant in the Ile Orisha (House of the Deities). The virtues she brought to the Kingdom were unknown by the other; one of her virtues was to be the teacher to all of the inhabitants in the Kingdom.
She was gifted with the art of love and charity which were lacking in the Kingdom; with her birth arrived the understanding between people. Because of her virtues, she became very special in the eyes of her father and very loved by him as he knew of her greatness. Her birth also brought human suffering.
Little did she know, that the good things she brought would, in the future, also be used for evil purposes by the inhabitants of the Kingdom.
Her beauty was both mystic and exotic, and all who lived in the Kingdom were extremely attracted to her. It was clear to see that she possessed the qualities of a great princess as it was demonstrated in years to come. Under the tutorship of Oba, all her brothers and sisters learned the art of survival, as Yembo continued to populate the plantet. Yembo’s next child would be another girl, and she was named Oya.

Tenth Child – Oya (The Air We Breathe)
Oya, like Oba, brought great physical beauty to the Kingdom. Oya’s beauty brought conflict amongst the Orishas. Oya had beautiful big eyes, the color of honey and very expressive. Whenever she made eye contact with anyone , they would without a doubt fall under her spell. Among the qualities she brought into the world on her birth were the air that we breathe, great storms and tornadoes. Although being an extremely feminine woman, she would sometimes have a strong temperament, as she would assume the personality of a very masculine warrior leading the other warriors into war

Oshosi in Africa and Cuba
Oshosi is a divinity known throughout Yoruba, region where he basks in great popularity. This god has devotees throughout Nigeria. He is the god of hunters and spell casters. There are secret clans in Nigeria and Brasil that follow only his divinity. He is a morning god, lives in the forest with Osain, whose help is indispensable. He is a warrior like Elegua and Ogun. He is alos known as the god of justice. In Nigeria, his Omos (children) dress in leopard skin and use emblems representing him, such as the bow and the arrow. He plays a very important role in the life of the Yoruba since he is the provider of all meats consumed in that region and protector of hunters when they are in perilous situations. He leads animals into the hunter traps. Without his collaboration the hunters would not be successful. He can be benevolent but also malevolent to those who do not respect him.
In the town of Ikiji, near Ijebu Ode, the ceremonies tho this god are very long, usually lasting seceral days, and his cult is one of the most respected (feared) by all. This is the place where he was born to Yemaya.
In Cuba, this god is ruler of the jails, with him those who have problems with the law are protected. Osain together with Obatala are judges in the Yoruban rite. Ceremonies to this god are to be held in open air, preferably in a forest since that is where he lives and he does not like to be confined. Neither does he like for animals to be inside a house since he enjoys the act of hunting. Oshosi is more effective during the morning hours. Which is when he goes hunting. It is erroneous to think that having Oshosi is cause to laugh at justice. He is just and if there is a misunderstanding he could either put you in jail as well as let you go free.
This god had a love affair with Oshun and is eternally in love with her.

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